The Time for Tea @ 清茶居
We are here for some simple reasons: to offer friends caught up in the hurried flow of life a moment of rest where they can recharge over a nice cup of tea, a place where friends who are interested in tea can come together and explore the fascinating world of camilla sinensis, and a place from which we can showcase to the world something we are deeply passionate about: Tea.
小さな器に入っているほんの少しの茶湯には、”風の露”はもちろん、お茶を作った人々やお茶を入れた人の心まで、全てが凝縮されているという。それを しっかりと意識して入れるお茶・飲むお茶には魂が宿る。そしてそのお茶をいただくことによって、人の身体は潤いを得、精神までもが安らぐ。自然が生み出 した茶葉と人の心とが、茶芸を通して器の中でひとつになり、その茶湯を飲む私たちは、そこから幸せを分け与えてもらえるのだ。
Good effort in putting up the blog to let people know that there is such a relax environment!
Music piece is gentle and smoothing!
Keep up the good work!!
Congratulations on your new shop. May it be everything that you want want and that you prosper there. It looks like a perfect learning environment.
I look forward to visiting it and tasting some wonderful tea from some amazing people.
Cheers, seth
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Well done on your new environment.
Winddew is time for tea!
清茶居的茶,不只解了口中之渴, 心中之渴毅然解去。
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